Thursday, June 6, 2013


Summer is so close!
I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty excited! I've got a lot of plans for this summer and I can't wait for it to come. I'm going to Sunriver a few times, Washington D.C, running camp, Idaho (for a missions trip), and maybe Montana! We have just under two weeks and only 9 1/2 days left of actual school.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Advice for Highschool

The best advice I've gotten for high school was from Brittney Crocker, your local favorite media assistant. A month of so ago she wrote my friends (Bailey, Meaghan, Megan, Emily, and Molly) and me a letter. The letter was full of tips and advice for high school, I'm going to focus on and share a few of the most useful tips she wrote about. 
My favorite is the advice "take opportunities, even if you may be bad at the thing. It will always be a great opportunity to make memories that will stay with you forever." I really like this advice, it relates to everyone. Often times we are too scared to take opportunities because we're scared of what people will think of you if you aren't the best. If you are too scared to try something, you'll never know. Bring a close friend along and at the worst they'll be someone you can laugh with. Who knows! You may be really good at what ever the thing is.
Another useful piece of advice is "stick together no matter what." I think that this is really important too. I've heard that freshman year can be tough. If you have close friends that stick together, you guys will always have someone to fall back on. She said that you get closer than you think you could ever get to your friends in freshman year. Great friends can be the only thing that keeps you sane. 
Lastly, "remember through all of high school that these are going to be the best days of your life." I've heard many adults saying that they regret how quickly that wanted to get through high school. This advice definitely will help my through high school. It will encourage me to participate in everything, try my hardest, take chances, and have the most fun. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

If I could improve our school a few things would come to mind.
The first thing that would come to mind would be tests. I think it's okay for teachers to issue tests, but I don't think that they should be worth so many points. Often times test scare students.When students are scared they tend to not perform at their best. I think that teachers should give tests to see where there students are at, just not have them worth the majority of their grade.This I think would decrease the stress level of many students.

Another thing I think we should add is an advisory/study period. This would help many students who are participating in after-school activities.I think that many students would benefit greatly from this. It would give them an option to start or maybe even finish their homework so they don't have to worry about it all day. 

Lastly, I would offer more electives. We have a good selection. But we could definitely do much better! Many kids want things like cooking and possibly languages. I think that this would broaden the horizons of many students! This could possibly even make kids excited for their school day.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I believe I will be what I think I am. I feel like so many people have low standards for themselves and that is what makes them struggle. If you think that you can't, you're right. If you think that you can, you're right too. It's your mental mindset that makes the difference. For example, if you think you can get good grades your mind will be set on that and you will most likely succeed. If you don't think that you can get good grades I can guarantee it's a whole lot harder to get them.
You have to believe you can accomplish great things to accomplish great things. Believing that you can already takes you halfway there. If you believe in yourself in what you are doing you're typically way more motivated and excited. Believing in the future of what you can be if extremely important. You cannot BE someone great without belief in who/what it is.
I think it's important that we believe in positive attributes about ourselves. It starts with believing you're kind, confident, great, smart, etc. If you truly believe in something you will eventually become more and more of that. A person that believes in kindness and acts accordingly will be a kind person.
Have a lovely day and don't forget to smile!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Meaghan and Molly's blogs ❤

These blogs are the blogs of my friend's that are in computers. Enjoy!
I really like this blog! It's my friend Meaghan's. She is the one in the picture I posted earlier. I really like her posts. My favorite post is this one. It has a great quote and a cool picture that it's on. I encourage you to check out her blog!
If you're looking for a good blog and movie news/reviews you can find it on my friend Molly's blog, Movie Clicker. She posts interesting and well-written posts. I suggest you check her blog out! You can find it here.
Have a lovely day!

Monday, April 29, 2013

A quick thing...

Personally, I think that option #3 is the best option for our dessert dance theme. I think it best fits our theme and I made it! You can vote here!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


           Don't you just love the sun?? I'm so happy that it's finally out. Everyone seems happier! I can't wait for summer. It's so close, yet so far... Yesterday I went to Teen Summit with my EXCEL class. It was so much fun. First we ate breakfast. Next we listened to an amazing speaker and went to a workshop of our choice. We got lunch then headed back to the school. We got back for 6th and 7th period. It was one of my favorite days all school year. Afterwards, I went to Human Bean then we sat in the sun for hours before track. It was such a lovely day. As you can see I'm really excited for the Dessert Dance. That picture is from yesterday with my friend Meaghan. Anyways, have a lovely day!