Thursday, May 9, 2013


I believe I will be what I think I am. I feel like so many people have low standards for themselves and that is what makes them struggle. If you think that you can't, you're right. If you think that you can, you're right too. It's your mental mindset that makes the difference. For example, if you think you can get good grades your mind will be set on that and you will most likely succeed. If you don't think that you can get good grades I can guarantee it's a whole lot harder to get them.
You have to believe you can accomplish great things to accomplish great things. Believing that you can already takes you halfway there. If you believe in yourself in what you are doing you're typically way more motivated and excited. Believing in the future of what you can be if extremely important. You cannot BE someone great without belief in who/what it is.
I think it's important that we believe in positive attributes about ourselves. It starts with believing you're kind, confident, great, smart, etc. If you truly believe in something you will eventually become more and more of that. A person that believes in kindness and acts accordingly will be a kind person.
Have a lovely day and don't forget to smile!

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