Thursday, April 25, 2013


           Don't you just love the sun?? I'm so happy that it's finally out. Everyone seems happier! I can't wait for summer. It's so close, yet so far... Yesterday I went to Teen Summit with my EXCEL class. It was so much fun. First we ate breakfast. Next we listened to an amazing speaker and went to a workshop of our choice. We got lunch then headed back to the school. We got back for 6th and 7th period. It was one of my favorite days all school year. Afterwards, I went to Human Bean then we sat in the sun for hours before track. It was such a lovely day. As you can see I'm really excited for the Dessert Dance. That picture is from yesterday with my friend Meaghan. Anyways, have a lovely day! 


  1. The sun is amazing and so are you taytay! I am glad you had fun...keep smiling and never grow up! :)
